UIDAI Announces Phase-Out of Existing Fingerprint Devices for Aadhaar Authentication - Digiforum Space

UIDAI Announces Phase-Out of Existing Fingerprint Devices for Aadhaar Authentication
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has issued a circular outlining the phase-out of existing fingerprint Level 0 (L0) Registered Devices from the Aadhaar authentication ecosystem. This move aims to enhance the security levels of fingerprint-based authentication transactions by upgrading to the next generation fingerprint Level 1 (L1) Registered Devices

UIDAI has communicated that all existing deployed fingerprint L0 RD will be gradually phased out of the authentication ecosystem by June 30, 2024. After this date, only fingerprint L1 RD will be permitted for Aadhaar-based authentications. The circular emphasizes the importance of transitioning to fingerprint L1 RD to ensure the security and integrity of authentication transactions.
Also read: Difference between L0 and L1 Biometric Devices
Furthermore, UIDAI has directed all Authentication User Agencies (AUA), Know Your Customer User Agencies (KUA), and Authentication Service Agencies (ASA) to procure fingerprint L1 RD for their authentication ecosystem. The circular also highlights the timelines for the phase-out of fingerprint L0 Registered Devices and the necessary steps to be taken by all stakeholders to comply with the new regulations.
In addition to the phase-out of fingerprint L0 RD, the circular mentions the continued functionality of Iris Level 0 RD devices, which are considered more secure. It also provides details on the certification of the first batch of fingerprint L1 RD devices and the key features of these upgraded devices.
The circular underscores the commitment of UIDAI towards ensuring the highest quality of service in a secure and efficient manner. It emphasizes the collaboration between UIDAI, biometric device vendors, STQC, and C-DAC to upgrade from existing L0 compliant Fingerprint Registered Devices to the launch of L1 compliant Fingerprint Authentication Registered Devices in the Aadhaar Authentication Ecosystem.
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Overall, the circular sets a clear roadmap for the transition to enhanced security measures in the Aadhaar authentication ecosystem, emphasizing the importance of upgrading to fingerprint L1 RD devices to maintain the integrity and security of authentication transactions. Stakeholders are urged to adhere to the timelines and guidelines provided to ensure a smooth transition to the new authentication standards.
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